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Japan Display Rischia La Bancarotta, Apple Pronta Ad Intervenire

Japan Display Rischia La Bancarotta, Apple Pronta Ad Intervenire

Japan Display, a supplier of screens for Apple Inc. devices, and its investors will raise about 318.5 billion yen ($3.1 billion) after pricing its initial.... Apple manufacturing partner Japan Display has lost one of its consortium bailout participants -- and the iPhone maker is reportedly considering.... Japan Display Inc said on Friday it had sealed a deal to receive up to 100.8 billion yen ($918.87 million) from Ichigo Asset.... The company also supplies screens for the Apple Watch. A bailout package for Japan Display had been agreed between Oasis Management, a.... T) said it aims to clinch a deal this month for least 50 billion yen ($470 million) in vital funding, having had to scramble after an investment group suddenly pulled out of a bailout plan for the Apple Inc (AAPL. ... It might also force the U.S. firm to turn to rival suppliers for ...


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